LEGITIMATE work-from-home help. A post to help get you started in the right direction

work station

Humble beginnings

I’m writing this exactly 1 hour before starting my work shift. I’m sipping on some half-caf coffee, trying to avoid the caffeine headaches that will come in Ramadan. (The Muslim’s Fasting month in which we fast from ingesting anything during sun up to sun down hours) I’m not rushing to find work clothing, stressing about having to stop for gas or worry about the rain on my commute. I want others to experience this for themselves. I want people to find their niche or place on their terms. The peace that comes from finding a job that you love, don’t have to commute to and actually offers a paycheck isn’t measurable alHamdulilah.

A no scams, nor making people buy or pay for things; REAL work from home DOES Exist. I see so many people in a bind, needing a way out and falling for scams.
Yes, it takes work to find a real work-from-home job. Yes, it’s hard to find something you can do, takes long hours of searches, resumes and answering the same questions on applications. But it’s worth it.
I’ll share a few sites with you so you can start your long search and repetitive application filling (hey, it DOES take work)

A note for the wise: Working from home/Searching for work from home is just as time-consuming and Needing Professionalism, time and effort as outside jobs! This is for all of you willing to put in that work to find something. You have to do your research, you’ll be doing a lot of reading, applying, researching companies and trying to find out if it’s a fit for you. These websites not only shares LEGITIMATE work-from-home ads but also tips to avoid falling for scams. Enjoy! Now remember it’s just a site with listings, they CAN’T answer job-related questions. You have to go on the site and read or call/message the actual company that’s hiring with your questions.

Now remember this blog post and many of the links to jobs are simply sites with listings. I nor they answer job-related questions. You have to go on the site and read or call/message the actual company that’s hiring with your questions.
Happy Searching and I wish you the best inshaAllah

change-a-millionSome of these are from my own searches, places that were promising or where I found work. A few of the other amazing suggestions come from my friend Kareema Falih over at The Go Mamas, who has been a great inspiration to me in so many ways over the last few years.

The Links to start your amazing New Journey

(Disclaimer- I, nor none of these websites or people referenced here can guarantee you gainful employment. Filling out an application doesn’t legally guarantee employment either. These are simply tools for you to research how to get yourself out there, network, search and find real options versus scams. I hope it’s extremely beneficial to you)

My go-to stop. This is always the 1st place I check. Even now, gainfully and happily employed alHamdulilah; I still check their postings out for friends and to share with others. There are literally HUNDREDS of postings on their site: Rat Race Rebellion

The next site is a forum. Here is where you’ll go for advice, tips, and how-tos in this exciting new world. Click HERE to sign-up.

The following site is also promising. It took really long to find how to market myself on there, learn the ropes and search. My page was mediocre at best. I had to edit, add all my experience and really focus on the wording. When I did, I actually had employers seeking me! It still shocks me. Their website was formerly known as ODesk. Now their name is UpWork.

The following links are references from The Go Mamas which helped tremendously in posting this blog.

People Per Hour

Fancy Hands

Work At Home Adventures


Muslimahs Working At Home


Work At Home Mom Revolution


The Work At Home Wife

(Disclaimer– I, nor none of these websites or people referenced here can guarantee you gainful employment. Filling out an application doesn’t legally guarantee employment either. These are simply tools for you to research how to get yourself out there, network, search and find real options versus scams. I hope it’s extremely beneficial to you.)

The post that made *ME* Nervous…

Tune in tonight from 6:00 – 7:00 pm CT as Host Alma Campos speaks with Guest Holly Garza, hoping to give us some perspective about the inside journey of someone who has lost a child.

Also Kamal Abu-Shamsieh, Staff Chaplain at Muslim Spiritual Care Services, will be joining us to share his knowledge and experiences on counseling bereaved families.

WCEV 1450 AM –> Chicagoland
http://tunein.com/radio/WCEV-1450-s23599/ –> Online

So Tune in if you can as I’ll be “on the air” after a long time being off….

The website that “saves” me!

t4lI love this website! It truly is a lifesaver for me as a homeschooling and college student mom.

On the days I just have too high of a workload I use this. She gets to do her work with minimal interference from me and it also gets graded, gives her quizzes and even break/play/rest time. It includes reading; social studies, science, and math assignments. I love that it grades her so I can see if she’s having difficulties with any subjects and go back and teach it to her again.

Another thing that I love is that you can select up to three grade levels for it. So for example: she’s advanced in science and reading so I have her on 6th grade level work in those subjects. She’s a little behind in math so I have her at the beginning of 4th grade level work and all her other subjects she is right where she should be. Which is 5th grade work. This allows her to revisit what she needs to learn while still challenging her and allowing her to succeed. It also doesn’t punish her with boredom by being stuck in Grade work that she is already ahead of.

The website is

I think they either have a free try out, or a referral program where you could try it for cheap for the first month or something? if they do and you decide to try it out to help your children with their school work, to practice more, or to homeschool tell them Holly Garza sent you.


My article

My article “In these Empty Arms” featured in this month’s Mariam Poppins magazine is also posted on her site.

” She sipped on her coffee, the sad-flat look in her eyes that now replaced the sparkle she once had–gone. Looking at me, she calmly and quietly asked “but when does it get easier?”

Shall I tell her you learn to laugh through the knot in your throat? Shall I tell her you learn to live again with this new you? Shall I tell her she’ll never again walk past certain aisles in stores and be the same? No, it sounds cynical, too hard to bear all that at once. I mean I remember the first year. *sigh* There is some benefit in this, I mean a lot of benefit really, but it still hurts. It can bring us closer to Allah. The All Merciful.
I put my food down and swallowed what I had, and gave her-what I’m sure, was a weak smile. We were in a public restaurant and a couple of muslimahs crying was all I needed to fuel more rumors of how miserable…… (Continue to Mariam Poppins