The website that “saves” me!

t4lI love this website! It truly is a lifesaver for me as a homeschooling and college student mom.

On the days I just have too high of a workload I use this. She gets to do her work with minimal interference from me and it also gets graded, gives her quizzes and even break/play/rest time. It includes reading; social studies, science, and math assignments. I love that it grades her so I can see if she’s having difficulties with any subjects and go back and teach it to her again.

Another thing that I love is that you can select up to three grade levels for it. So for example: she’s advanced in science and reading so I have her on 6th grade level work in those subjects. She’s a little behind in math so I have her at the beginning of 4th grade level work and all her other subjects she is right where she should be. Which is 5th grade work. This allows her to revisit what she needs to learn while still challenging her and allowing her to succeed. It also doesn’t punish her with boredom by being stuck in Grade work that she is already ahead of.

The website is

I think they either have a free try out, or a referral program where you could try it for cheap for the first month or something? if they do and you decide to try it out to help your children with their school work, to practice more, or to homeschool tell them Holly Garza sent you.


4 thoughts on “The website that “saves” me!

  1. Hi there! Loved your review! We are long-time T4L users. My boys are currently in 5th and 10th grades, and we’ve been with them since my oldest was in 2nd grade. One of my favorite things has ALWAYS been the grade below and grade above availability in the k-8 grades! It’s not only great for re-visiting something they are struggling with, but it was also wonderful for those days when they were blowing through lessons and didn’t feel challenged at all.

    As someone who thrives on organized chaos, lol, I also love the record keeping that T4L does for me. I don’t have to worry about forms or folders or files…I just save them to an external hard drive and move on (my state doesn’t require I submit anything other than my declaration of intent each year). 🙂

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts! Good luck on the remainder of your school year!

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