The website that “saves” me!

t4lI love this website! It truly is a lifesaver for me as a homeschooling and college student mom.

On the days I just have too high of a workload I use this. She gets to do her work with minimal interference from me and it also gets graded, gives her quizzes and even break/play/rest time. It includes reading; social studies, science, and math assignments. I love that it grades her so I can see if she’s having difficulties with any subjects and go back and teach it to her again.

Another thing that I love is that you can select up to three grade levels for it. So for example: she’s advanced in science and reading so I have her on 6th grade level work in those subjects. She’s a little behind in math so I have her at the beginning of 4th grade level work and all her other subjects she is right where she should be. Which is 5th grade work. This allows her to revisit what she needs to learn while still challenging her and allowing her to succeed. It also doesn’t punish her with boredom by being stuck in Grade work that she is already ahead of.

The website is

I think they either have a free try out, or a referral program where you could try it for cheap for the first month or something? if they do and you decide to try it out to help your children with their school work, to practice more, or to homeschool tell them Holly Garza sent you.


How can I homeschool affordably?

I get the same question all the time. How can I homeschool affordably? or some variation of that. I was in the same EXACT place myself. Homeschooling can cost as little or as much as you allow it.

Very first thing to do is make dua, pray, BEG Allah to grant you ease, pleasure and aid you. Once you’ve prayed about it. Set up your plan.

Ask yourself WHY to homeschool. How you plan on enjoying this and what your goals are.

Next, you will need to look up your homeschool laws by State.

You can do so by going here ~>

FREE and very affordable things to do can be found here ~>

I have many other articles, blog, and information on the subject of getting started and why I do you can also read on here and across the web. I’ve said to take advantage of the library over and over again because honestly you can find school textbooks, living books, encyclopedias, dictionaries and much more all there for your use. Here are a few “book” and documents leads for you. PLENTY of information at our fingertips. ENJOY

I get asked to recommend curriculum. I do NOT do this for various reasons. The biggest of these is I do NOT endorse nor do I recommend anything or single program because we are all different and each of our children are different as well as our families, values, practices, styles and beliefs. It is up to us, the parent, to review and evaluate everything before allowing our child to use it to ensure it fits with our beliefs and goals. Also I don’t use a curriculum. We are ECLECTIC homeschoolers and use various methods and make up our own curriculum off of different books, web sites, approaches, styles, and materials.

Here is more on the Styles of homeschooling for you to try them and see which method you prefer to use.

Here is a link with links to many different lesson plans

and last but not least an older blog post with free resources you can use