The post that made *ME* Nervous…

Tune in tonight from 6:00 – 7:00 pm CT as Host Alma Campos speaks with Guest Holly Garza, hoping to give us some perspective about the inside journey of someone who has lost a child.

Also Kamal Abu-Shamsieh, Staff Chaplain at Muslim Spiritual Care Services, will be joining us to share his knowledge and experiences on counseling bereaved families.

WCEV 1450 AM –> Chicagoland –> Online

So Tune in if you can as I’ll be “on the air” after a long time being off….

what if…..just a few moments sooner

subhanaAllah! we never know when could be our last day or moment!!!

Yesterday I think it was just the “excitement/shock” of it, but it didn’t really hit home.

As most of you know my husband installs phone, cable and internet service he was outside in Chicago yesterday and some young men were dropped off and were hanging out directly in front of where he was gathering the equipment. They moved around the corner and a car came through and started shooting at them in broad daylight with children, babies and families outside and everything!

There was some ppl with strollers hiding behind my husband’s work van. My husband, those babies and kids could have all been shot if it had not been that those young men had started crossing the street around the corner. I say this not for pity, or as something to talk about on fb for likes but as a very real eye-opening plea. This happens everyday in Chicago, thousands of families loose loved ones and not just “bad people”. It happens to the innocent 8 times out of ten. The siblings, the neighbors, the kids, the lady walking to the store….. PLEASE KEEP ALL THOSE PEOPLE IN YOUR DUAS (PRAYERS) It’s a very real daily occurrence. Please make dua for those in Chicago. The Politicians don’t care too much because it’s not happening at their homes, ranches, yachts, and mansions.

Please make dua(prayer) Allah (God) guides them and guides and keeps us on the straight path, forgives us and makes us do better


I wanted this post as more of an eye-opening plea to notice what is going on in Chicago and ourselves on a different level…..

Everyday we eat to survive, wear our seatbelts try to “be safe” but the reality is death can come at anytime. What will we leave behind? Will facebook help us? Our barely there prayers? Do we do the bare minimum? 

I’m TRULY honestly speaking of myself and in genuine fear and hope for all of you. How much Quraan do we try to learn/memorize/recite or understand? seriously forget even day to day can we just answer for ourselves (not to me on here) what do we try to fix, change, improve, memorize or do for kindness to others?

How much Manners do we display, teach, try to learn? How much REAL Islam do we teach our kids and families with lovely dispositions, explanations and live examples?

If I died on this day besides having to rely on Allah’s mercy- what goodness would I have, what legacy would I leave behind, what Islam, goodness, memories, or practices and good deeds would even aid me on that VERY REAL Judgement day?

discouraged-upset with Muslims or with rules

Sometimes we get discouraged by people’s behaviors, actions, lack of actions or by “rules”. Sometimes we feel alone, lonely, judged or we focus on the negatives which cloud our gratitude for what we do have and what we DON’T have to deal with. AlHamdulilah through it all.

I say change your outlook and change your life. Sometimes it’s easier to give up, blame others or say it’s too difficult. I have! I claimed I’d never get past ALIF in the Arabic alphabet, that certain types of Muslims weren’t “polite”…just excuses…… and while it was TRUE that some people are rude and Arabic is still not ease- focusing on MY outlook and on what I could change, fix, try, practice or learn more about granted me an ease and peace that is unexplainable.

Sometimes we tend to be lawless, “can’t nobody tell me nothing” type of mentality, then we convert/revert to Islam and it’s hard to accept advice and we view it as rules, judgement, dictatorship– and in all fairness there may be 1 person out 6 giving you “advice” who is rude and trying to be bossy; but it doesn’t mean all of them are. Nor does it make Islam’s beautiful or logical guidelines bad or too hard. It doesn’t make us bad either, we just have to adjust and gain a better outlook (or better company to surround ourselves with)

If the “rules” have you down- instead of thinking “man so much to try to learn or change and be told to do”. Try my old approach. I prefer to compare it to a driving test. When driving we have to learn many rules of the road to be safe and what not to do. We have to learn what’s helpful, what’s better-what’s recommended and what to avoid.

Then driving is just a piece of cake, very easy and you honestly don’t seem to be “following rules” but getting somewhere. For the test you do have to know these rules and judgement day is our test so to speak. This is where we want to get with better deeds than neglectful ones.

If the people, the bad manners, the baggage has you upset. Don’t fret there are bad mannered people everywhere. This is NOT Islam either. Abandoning Allah in times of hardships or because a Muslim upset you is like knowing you’ll starve to death and be homeless but refuse to work because an employee there is annoying or rude. I hope these tips are helpful and encouraging =) Please keep me and my family in your duas ♥

May Allah keep eeman in our hearts and not dependent on others ameen