The post that made *ME* Nervous…

Tune in tonight from 6:00 – 7:00 pm CT as Host Alma Campos speaks with Guest Holly Garza, hoping to give us some perspective about the inside journey of someone who has lost a child.

Also Kamal Abu-Shamsieh, Staff Chaplain at Muslim Spiritual Care Services, will be joining us to share his knowledge and experiences on counseling bereaved families.

WCEV 1450 AM –> Chicagoland –> Online

So Tune in if you can as I’ll be “on the air” after a long time being off….

Being Supportive

Sometimes we confuse being supportive for agreeing with and helping others through decisions WE like or think they should take or avoid. They don’t always listen, sometimes what we think is best isn’t actually best for THEm and sometimes it is and they just don’t take heed.

We have to be VERY careful in confusing being supportive for “forcing” ourselves on others as there usually isn’t a one-size-fits-all choice in life. Also being supportive, and loving of a person doesn’t always means supporting bad choices or endorsing them. It can be a simple smile, and a big DUA (prayer) for them. It means that even if they makes choices for their life you wouldn’t, can’t, or don’t like you still are kind, helpful, polite, and prayerful for them.

In the end they may have made a GREAT choice for their life and Allah knows best. What I’m trying to say is just because someone disagrees, or is in a bad place, or made a different choice then we would have or what we like doesn’t mean it is always wrong, just different. We can’t bully people around for their decisions but we can help them in goodness, kindness, duas, patience and being there for them.

Being supportive means being there for them–not being a nag at them. Some choices in life are horrible for us, but Great for another, our EXPERIENCE with certain choices or individuals doesn’t mean that is someone else’s experience with it. Anyhow just a little bit of reflections, self needed reminders, advice and tips also known as growing pains 😉